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Mandatory Internal Revenue Code 7216 Disclosure and Consent Federal law requires you to obtain Client consent to disclose tax return information to third parties for purposes of assembling information, calculations, diagnostics, and processing of various IRS tax resolution forms and supporting schedules by obtaining an Internal Revenue Code Section 7216 Disclosure and Consent. You are not required to complete this form. It is the policy Doctor Tax Defense of Problemas con IRS to handle the information you provide us with the utmost confidentiality and care. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to members of our firm who need to know this information in order to complete the work you have hired our firm to do. We will not disclose your personal and confidential information to anyone outside our firm without your express written permission to do so. Do not provide social security, do not provide date of birth, do not provide postal address on available forms online. You must visit one of ours offices to disclose information that we must need to help you. At this time only provide general answers and call us at: 787-917-8780 if you have any doubts or to fill out forms in office.